Neuer Aufsatz von Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kammerl und Michaela Kramer (Universität Hamburg) zum Einfluss einer sich verändernden Medienumgebung auf Sozialisationsprozesse in Familien 

Der Aufsatz von Rudolf Kammerl und Michaela Kramer erscheint in der wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschrift “Studies in Communication Sciences”. Aus der Zusammenfassung:

“The change of our media environment generates new topics for social research. Trends in media development like an increase in connectivity, mobilization and differentiation have far-reaching consequences for socialization processes: the blurring of social interactions, role shifts and spatial extension are only a few of them. In this article, we focus on consequences for media socialization in families and examine potential transformations of family as socialization agent against the background of mediatization. In a synopsis of theoretical approaches and empirical results, we want to give an overview of the current perspectives and discuss future challenges for research.”

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