Mitglieder des Forschungsverbundes “Kommunikative Figurationen” halten Vorträge auf der internationalen Konferenz der European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) in Prag.

Die Konferenz der ECREA findet alle zwei Jahre an wechselnden Universitätsorten statt. Vom 9. bis 12. November 2016 findet die Tagung im tschechischen Prag statt. Folgende Mitglieder des Forschungsverbundes “Kommunikative Figurationen” sind mit Vorträgen vertreten:

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz:
“Deliberation and Moralization in Finanical Blogging: A Case Study on Blog Communication During the Finanical Crisis 2008” (11.11., 14:30, with Rebecca Venema)

Dr. Matthias Berg:
“Managing Boundaries in Communicative Mobility” (10.11., 14:30)

Prof. Dr. Michael Brüggemann:
“Beyond False Balance: How Changing Journalistic Norms and Interpretations Shape Media Coverage of Climate Change” (11.11., 18:00)

Prof. Dr. Uwe Hasebrink:
“How to Research Cross-Media Use? Investigating Media Repertoires and Media Ensembles” (10.11., 9:00, with Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp)
“Fantasy and Reality: ‘Hobbit’ Viewer Types and How They Connect the Movie with their Everyday Lives” (10.11., 11:00, with Ingrid Paus-Hasebrink and Jasmin Kulterer)

Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp:
“How to Research Cross-Media Use? Investigating Media Repertoires and Media Ensembles” (10.11., 9:00, with Prof. Dr. Uwe Hasebrink)
“The Mediated Construction of Reality” (11.11., 16:00, with Prof. Dr. Nick Couldry, LSE)

Dr. Sigrid Kannengießer:
“Acting on Materiality – Media Technologies and Engagement” (10.11., 11:00, with Dr. Sebastian Kubitschko)

Dr. Leif Kramp:
“Understanding the Millennial Way: Implications of Young Users’ Volatile Media Practices for Journalism Practice” (11.11., 18:00)

Prof. Dr. Friedrich Krotz:
“Mediatization Research: Changing Media, Changing Everyday Life, Social Relations, Culture and Society” (10.11., 14:30)

Dr. Sebastian Kubitschko:
“Big Data, Privacy and Surveillance” (11.11., 16:00)
“Acting on Materiality – Media Technologies and Engagement” (10.11., 11:00, with Dr. Sigrid Kanniengießer)

Prof. Dr. Christine Lohmeier:
“Mediated Memory Work in Transnational Mediascapes: Conceptualizing Media-Related Remembering Practices” (10.11., 11:00, with Prof. Dr. Christian Pentzold)
“Reflexive Remembrance and Reconstruction: Conceptualizing Retrospective and Prospective Mediated Memory Work” (11.11., 9:00, with Prof. Dr. Christian Pentzold)

PD Dr. Wiebke Loosen:
The adjustment of channel repertoires between journalism and its audience (12.11., with Prof. Dr. Christoph Neuberger, LMU)

Tobias Mast:
“Doing Governance in Figurations: Proposal of an Analytical Framework” (10.11., 11:00, with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulz and Markus Oermann)

Markus Oermann:
“Doing Governance in Figurations: Proposal of an Analytical Framework” (10.11., 11:00, with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulz and Tobias Mast)

Prof. Dr. Christian Pentzold:
“Mediated Memory Work in Transnational Mediascapes: Conceptualizing Media-Related Remembering Practices” (10.11., 11:00, with Prof. Dr. Christian Pentzold)
“Reflexive Remembrance and Reconstruction: Conceptualizing Retrospective and Prospective Mediated Memory Work” (11.11., 9:00, with Prof. Dr. Christine Lohmeier)

Julius Reimer:
“The Journalist Turned Brand. How Reporters Build Their Profiles Through Personal Branding” (11.11., 16:00)

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulz:
“Doing Governance in Figurations: Proposal of an Analytical Framework” (10.11., 11:00, with Markus Oermann and Tobias Mast)

Rebecca Venema:
“Deliberation and Moralization in Finanical Blogging: A Case Study on Blog Communication During the Finanical Crisis 2008” (11.11., 14:30, with Prof. Dr. Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz)

Dr. Stefanie Walter:
“‘Denier, Denier, Denier!’: Explaining User Comments on Anthropogenic Climate Change” (10.11., 16:30)

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