Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp (University of Bremen) wrote a joint monograph on the mediated construction of reality together with Prof. Dr. Nick Couldry (London School of Economics and Political Sciences).

The joint effort is an original theoretical take on the contemporary social and technological environment and on the present understanding of mediatization, reflecting on Berger and Luckmann’s ‘The Social Construction of Reality’.

“This book by Couldry and Hepp might well become a new classic in the theory of the social, on par with Elias and Latour. . Mandatory reading for everyone who seriously reflects on the implications of contemporary media systems and practices on society.”
José van Dijck, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
“An excellent and pathbreaking book.”
Anthony Giddens, member of the House of Lords, former director of the London School of Economics and Political Science
“An indispensable contribution to social theory in communication research and media sociology.”
Leah Lievrouw, University of California, Los Angeles
The book is published by Polity. Further information can be accessed here.