Members of the “Communicative Figurations” research network present at the annual conference of the International Associaction of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in Leicester, UK

The IAMCR annual conference takes place from July 27 to 31, 2016 at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom on the topic “Memory, Commemoration and Communication: Looking Back, Looking Forward”.

The following members of the research network will be at Leicester to present their research:

Prof. Dr. Uwe Hasebrink (University of Hamburg): Fantasy movies within audiences’ transmedia repertoires. The case of The Hobbit (Juli 29, 09:00-10:30)

Prof. Dr. Friedrich Krotz (University of Bremen): Mediatization studies: from the system of single independent media to a computer controlled digital infrastructure and some consequences (July 28, 09:00-10:30)

Prof. Dr. Christine Lohmeier (University of Bremen) (zus. mit Dr. Christian Pentzold): Reflexive Remembrance and Reconstruction in Mediated Times (July 30, 09:00-10:30)

Christina Sanko (University of Bremen): Memory-related Communication Repertoires: Generational Memory Work in Urban Vietnam (July 28, 09:00-10:30)

The full conference programm can be accessed here.