The Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) of the University of Bremen organises a scientific lecture series on a current media phenomenon in the context of its Creative Unit “Communicative Figurations”

In the age of digitalization and continually increasing Internet usage, also the volume of online usage data grows. Data traces that remain makes it possible to analyse media usage behaviour for a broad range of various purposes. Asscociated are highly different interests: Intelligence and law enforcement agencies store and analyse digital traces, for instance, for purposes of public security, companies usage data traces, for instance, to personalise advertisting. However, also science expects new insights on the transformation of media use of the analysis of digital traces.

In the summer semester 2016, the ZeMKI organises within the context of its research seminar a lecture series with renowned researchers from the Canada, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States on the opic “Digital Traces”. The series is part of the research of the Creative Unit “Communicative Figurations” which is supported by the German Universities Excellence Initiative by the German federal and state governments.

The lectures takes place at the ZeMKI, Linzer Str. 4, Room 60070.

The opening lecture by Dr. Bernie Hogan from the Oxford Internet Institute deals with personal networks and their analysis. His talk will give an overview of two recent collaborative efforts to rethink the capture of personal networks through the use of new technology: “CollegeConnect” and “NetCanvas”. Hogan will report on the successful use of these tools and provide methodological guidance on how to integrate new technologies while preserving both ethical compliance and interviewee consent. Further information on the presentation can be accessed here.

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Hosts of the lecture series on “Digital Traces” are  Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp, Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter and Prof. Dr. Thomas Friemel.

Press contact:

University of Bremen
ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research
Dr. Leif Kramp
Linzer Str. 4
28359 Bremen

phone: +49-421-218-67652