Members of the “Communicative Figurations” research network present at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) in San Diego, California, USA

From May 25 to 29. Mai, the annual ICA conference takes place in San Diego. Several members of the “Communicative Figurations” research network present results and insights from their work to an internationalen academic audience.

Thursday, 25. Mai
all day

Preconference: Data and the Future of Critical Social Research
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp (ZeMKI, University of Bremen) together with Prof. Dr. Nick Couldry (London School of Economics and Political Sciences)

Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp (ZeMKI, University of Bremen) together with Prof. Dr. Nick Couldry (London School of Economics and Political Sciences): Deep mediatization and the challenges of data for critical social research

Prof. Dr. Christian Pentzold (ZeMKI, University of Bremen) together with Dr. Ulrike Klingler (University of Zürich): Reading the powerful rhetoric of ‘big data’ in political discourse

Preconference “The Visibility of Ordinary EU Citizens in the News Coverage on EU Governance”
Dr. Stefanie Walter (University of Hamburg): The Visibility of Ordinary EU Citizens in the News Coverage on EU Governance

Preconference “Preconference: Comments, Anyone? Multidisciplinary Approaches for Analyzing Online User Comments Across News and Other Content Formats
PD Dr. Wiebke Loosen, Marlo Häring, Zijad Kurtanović, Lisa Merten, Julius Reimer, Lies van Roessel & Walid Maalej (HBI, University of Hamburg): Making Sense of User Comments. Identifying Journalists’ Requirements for a Software Framework

Freitag, 26. Mai

Prof. Dr. Michael Brüggemann (University of Hamburg): Postnormal Journalism: Climate Journalism and its Changing Contribution to an Unsustainable Debate

Samstag, 27. Mai

Dr. Stefanie Walter and Prof. Dr. Michael Brüggemann (University of Hamburg): Opportunity Makes Opinion Leaders: Analyzing the Role of First-Hand Information for Opinion Leadership in Social Media Networks

Prof. Dr. Cornelia Brantner (ZeMKI, University of Bremen) gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Katharina Lobinger (University of Lugano) and Dr. Miriam Stehling (University of Tübingen): Memes Against Sexism? A Multimethod Analysis of the Memes and Selfies in the Feminist Protest Hashtag #distractinglysexy and its Resonance in Mainstream News Media

Prof. Dr. Michael Brüggemann (University of Hamburg) gemeinsam mit Dr. Dorothee Arlt (University of Bern), Dr. Imke Hoppe und Fenja De Silva-Schmidt (both University of Hamburg): Climate Engagement in a Digital Age: Exploring the Drivers of Participation in Climate Discourse Online in the Context of COP21

Lisa Merten (HBI): Contextualised Network Maps: A Qualitative Approach Exploring the Role of Social Networking Sites in News-Related Media Repertoires

Sonntag, 28. Mai

Prof. Dr. Christian Pentzold (ZeMKI, University of Bremen): Editorial Surveillance and the Management of Visibility in Peer Production

Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp und Ulrike Gerhard (ZeMKI, University of Bremen): Deep Mediatization, Digital Traces, and Self-Quantification: Contextualising “Pragmatic” and “Enthusiast” Self-Trackers

Prof. Dr. Christian Pentzold (ZeMKI, University of Bremen): Ethical Premises and Practical Judgment in Internet-Based Ethnography

Montag, 29. Mai

Julius Reimer und PD Dr. Wiebke Loosen (HBI): Mining Data, Refining Journalism? Data Journalism’s Development and Critical Potential

Dr. Sebastian Kubitschko und Dr. Sigrid Kannengießer (ZeMKI, University of Bremen): Making the Materiality of Media Tangible: Hacking and Repairing as Political Engagement

Prof. Dr. Christian Pentzold (ZeMKI, University of Bremen): Taking on the Practice Lens in Culturalistic Studies of Communication and Media

Prof. Dr. Michael Brüggemann (University of Hamburg) gemeinsam mit Josephine Schmitt (University of Cologne Fenja De Silva-Schmidt (University of Hamburg), Dr. Dorothee Arlt (University of Bern), Dr. Imke Hoppe (University of Hamburg): Let’s Talk About It! The Effects of Conversation on the Interplay of Trust in Climate-Related Information and Confidence in Collective Agency to Protect Climate

The full programme of the preconference can be accessed here.
The full programme of the annual conference can be accessed here.