Communicative Figurations
Newest Press Releases, Publications and Information of the Research Network
New Article about Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach in “Up2Date”
In the online magazine "Up2Date" of the University of Bremen, the current article is about the research of ZeMKI member Prof. Dr. Christian Katzenbach. He reports on the topic "Who determines the discussion about AI science, media, society?". In an interview format,...
New handbook chapter: The interdisciplinarity of HMC: Rethinking communication, media, and agency
Network members Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp and Prof. Dr. Wiebke Loosen published the article "The interdisciplinarity of HMC: Rethinking communication, media, and agency" in the SAGE Handbook of Human-Machine Communication. The article covers the following topics: This...
New article: The lab, the space and the meetup: locating technological experimentation in everyday lifeNew article:
The article by Prof. Dr. Andreas Hepp was published on 20 June in the Journal of Science Communication and is entitled: "The lab, the space and the meetup: locating technological experimentation in everyday life" The article analyzes the role digital pioneer...
Network meeting in October 2023
The next network meeting of the research network "Communicative Figurations" will take place on 5 and 6 October. Interested researchers are cordially invited to participate. The network is based on joint theoretical work in which researchers from Germany and...
Award for network publication on communicative AI
This year's DGPuK conference took place at the University of Bremen from 18 to 20 May. In the course of this, the DGPuK awarded various prizes to scientists and research projects. The journal article "Von der Mensch-Maschiene-Interaktion zur kommunikativen KI"...
Lecture on “Media-related Negotiation Processes in Families in the Context of Social Challenges”
Claudia Lampert, Rudolf Kammerl, Katrin Potzel, Paulina Domdey gave a lecture on "Media-related negotiation processes in families in the context of social challenges" at the spring conference of the DGfE on "Media education and (media) socialization in the mirror of...
Project “Connected Kids: Socialisation in a Changing Media Environment”
Children and young people use media to establish their position within their respective social groups and contexts. The role their media repertoires and communicative practices play in this and how these change over time is being examined in a qualitative longitudinal...
Call for Special Issue on “Mediatization and Human-Machine Communication”
Special Issue: “Mediatization and Human-Machine Communication” Editors Göran Bolin (Södertörn University) Andreas Hepp (ZeMKI, University of Bremen) Wiebke Loosen (Leibniz Institute for Media Research) Description: Mediatization research has long been concerned with...
New website for the research network now online
After more than four years, the research network "Communicative Figurations" presents itself on a new website. In a total of five sections, the participating institutions and researchers introduce themselves and provide insights into the network's current activities:...
Open Access publication: From human-machine-communication to communicative AI
A research article on the automation of communication as a subject of communication and media research has been published in the journal Publizistik. The authors are Andreas Hepp, Wiebke Loosen, Stephan Dreyer, Juliane Jarke, Sigrid Kannengießer, Christian Katzenbach,...
University of Bremen
ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research
Linzer Str. 4
28359 Bremen, Germany
Phone: +49-421-218-67601
Fax: +49-421-218-98 67601